Introducing CDE Global’s tailings management technology can:
- Significantly reduce or completely eliminate tailings from mining operations
- Maximise recovery of process water for re-use in ore processing operations
- Drastically reduce the operational running cost of mines
CDE Global offers a range of equipment for the classification, thickening and dewatering of tailings from mining operations.
Fines management
Through the introduction of CDE Global’s EvoWash fines recovery plant, it is possible to remove the coarse fraction from tailings. Using the company’s technology, CDE will efficiently remove the lump and fine fraction from the slimes fraction, allowing the coarser fraction to be dewatered and stockpiled.
Primary water treatment
Remaining waste water containing the slimes will be delivered to the AquaCycle thickener where the addition of a flocculent will further separate the solids from the water. This allows the recovery of 90% of the process water, which can then be re-circulated to the ore processing plant for further use, minimising the volume of fresh water required.
Final tailings dewatering
Pre-thickened slimes from the AquaCycle thickener are then delivered to a filter press, which recovers further water for re-circulation to the ore processing plant.
The only waste product for the operation is now a filter cake with approximately 80% dry solids content, which can be stockpiled in a bay to eliminate the requirement for tailing dams.
Sludge management
Waste sludge from the AquaCycle thickener is then delivered to a filter press that recovers further water for re-circulation to the ore processing plant.