
The detection of drugs using urine is well established with the first version of the Australian Standard AS 4308 being released in 1995.

The current version of this Standard (AS/NZS 4308: 2008) includes the requirements for on-site testing of a urine sample. This is the Standard against which NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) assesses a Collection Agency when that agency seeks accreditation for its operations.

Most drugs can be detected in urine for 1-3 days after use and cannabis metabolites can be detected for much longer (30 days or more) particularly with regular or heavy use.

ToxLogic is NATA accredited for on-site testing urine testing. We use the ProScreen Cup, which is a validated testing device under AS/NZS 4308: 2008. Any urine specimen, which cannot be reported as Negative using the on-site testing device is sent to an accredited laboratory for further testing. Confirmed laboratory results are usually available within 48 hours.