Leveraging the utility and flexibility of the Strata/Trolex Sentro Wireless, surface operators can wirelessly monitor underground working environments, and control electronic devices during operations.
Wireless gas and fire detection
- Wireless monitoring of toxic and explosive gases during operations
- Measures levels and reports status at pre-set intervals
- In Alert/Alarm mode data is streamed
- Gas level status & incident location identified
- Fully operational post-accident & in the event of power or ventilation loss when utilizing CommTrac network
Wireless airflow and ventilation monitoring
- Air or gas flow measured and status reported at pre-set intervals
- In Alert/Alarm mode data is streamed
- Air flow/Ventilation status & incident location identified
Atmospheric monitoring
- Sentro Wireless or powered PLC
- Real-time monitoring of air temperature, humidity and pressure
- Report data to dispatch
Remote control
- Gas Detectors
- On/Off
- Reading and setting I/O
- Manipulate thresholds
- Alarm On/Off
- Fans and Pumps
- On/Off
Trolex gas detectors and sensorsystems
Versatile options in gas and atmospheric monitoring for any type of application
- Sentro Wireless: Battery-powered, completely wireless unit for detection, monitoring and control
- Vortex Wireless: Battery-powered, completely wireless unit for air and gas flow rate monitoring
- Sentry: Battery-powered, completely wireless sensor system for emergency refuge chamber environments
- Sentro 1 Universal Sensor: Highly accurate, wired sensor for a range of toxic and flammable gas detection
- Sentro 8 Sensor Station: A complete environmental sensing system in one integrated unit
Belt and belt drive monitoring
Strata can replace traditional belt controllers with the StrataConnect™ controller that enables real-time, remote monitoring and control of the belt lines and drives during operations
- Wide variety of sensors and control points can be monitored simultaneously
- Real-time wireless data transmission to user interface
- Data storage for analysis and reporting
- Minimal maintenance
- Operation and update performed by mine personnel
Remote monitoring
- Belt speed
- Belt motor & bearing temperature
- Coal flow-rate over main scale
- Pull cord
- Plugged chute
- Belt slip
- Belt stoppage
- Misalignment
- Tension
- Local lock-out
Remote control
- Start/stop belt (with option to local override)
- Alarms & alarm horns on/off