STINGRAY earth anchors are driven tipping plate soil anchors for the reaction of tensile loads. STINGRAY anchors have a maximum working load of 35 tons. After driving the anchor to the required depth, the driving steel is removed. The anchor is then tipped, and load locked with Foresight’s Anchor Locking Kit. This provides an immediate proof test of each anchor.
STINGRAY earth anchors are the perfect solution for applications with heavy capacity requirements because they provide superior holding for civil construction jobs, excavation shoring and tiebacks.
STINGRAY® anchors, a patented labour and time-saving device works like a toggle bolt in soil. The anchors are driven into the ground with conventional equipment (with no excavation and no grout), providing a safe and environmentally sensitive installation. After driving the anchor to the required depth, the drive steel is removed and an upward pull on the anchor rod rotates the STINGRAY into a perpendicular “anchor lock” position in undisturbed soil. After the anchor is tipped it can be simultaneously load tested. The result: superb holding capacities. STINGRAY anchor systems offer breakthrough earth anchoring technology for applications where heavy capacities are required.
Once driven to the proper depth, a hydraulic anchor locker pulls up on the anchor rod, rotating the anchor into undisturbed soil like a toggle bolt. Anchors are simultaneously load locked and proof tested to ensure the capacity requirements are safely met.
There are three STINGRAY® anchor models. STINGRAY anchors are made of hot-dip galvanized ductile iron. Structurally compatible anchor rods and end terminations for guy line or retaining structures are available for all anchor models.
440kN Ultimate Strength Anchor – Working load (2-1 safety factor) 220kN. This anchor is hot dipped galvanized and designed to be used in harder soils. It accepts anchor rods 25-38mm with a bearing surface of 741cm².
440kN Ultimate Strength Anchor – Working load (2-1 safety factor) 220kN. This anchor is hot dipped galvanized and designed to be used in normal soils. It accepts anchor rods 25-38mm with a bearing surface of 1,612cm².