
Objective opinions and solutions require an understanding of the underlying components together with the experience and judgement to allocate relevant priority to these issues. Too much focus on the details and you could end up solving the wrong problem. Too much focus on the big picture and you could end up with unwanted surprises. SRK’s experienced personnel and practical approach give you achievable options, opinions and solutions together with an understanding of the associated risks.

If you are planning a new mine or investment, now you have the opportunity to employ a team of specialists from a single company for fully integrated feasibility studies, due diligence assessments, economic evaluations and risk assessments. We have project leaders who specialize in coordinating and integrating the input from discipline specialists to ensure that you have a thorough appreciation of technical issues within an appropriate business context.

Mining Feasibility Studies

Our goal is to give you the highest confidence in the underlying value of your mining project, by providing appropriate analyses and interpretations to support your key project decisions and development strategies. We know what works, and which issues constitute opportunities and risks.

Mining Independent Project Review

Our mining consultants can assist you with mergers and acquisitions, equity and project financing and IPOs, and can provide the intimate knowledge that you need to produce balanced and focused independent reviews and audits.

Mining Risk Management

The term ‘risk’ has many meanings in the mining world. The current draft ISO guideline uses the broad definition of risk as ‘the effect of uncertainty on objectives’, and similarly broad definitions for ‘risk analysis’, ‘risk management’ and ‘risk tolerance’.

Mining Data Management

SRK Consulting has a team of professional and technical staff who provide innovative computer-based data integration, management and presentation for a wide range of earth science disciplines. Extensive quantities of data may thereby be made readily accessible and meaningful, providing a basis for clients to make/ review decisions.