Schlam’s Hercules is a state-of-the-art dump body that not only boosts the productivity of mining operations but also helps mining equipment reach payload capacity effectively and cost-efficiently. As traditional dump body technologies do not take into consideration specific mining conditions and parameters relevant to each mining project.
The Hercules dump body offers the customisation required for optimised performance in mining conditions. More specifically, Schlam’s Hercules is equipped with a lightweight body whose design is constantly improved, a durable structure that is also wear-resistant, as well as a range of material options that include HARDOX 500 TUF, BISALLOY 500 and 450 Q&T.
While clients can lose up to 10% payload per trip, which translates to a loss of time and excessive cost, Hercules provides a customised solution that resolves this at the same time as it increases capacity by its versatile design and technology behind its construction. The Hercules dump body is lightweight and stronger, which gives the opportunity to our customers for a durable technology that will maximise operations and will result in a significant reduction of cost and giveaway.
Benefits of Hercules include:
- Greater fleet productivity
- Fewer maintenance costs through a time-saving and cost-effective solution
- Fewer emissions due to less fuel use
- Stronger structure with no increase in weight
- Enhanced dumping performance through robustness
- Excellent load retention that minimises rock waste