
GroundSleuth monitors tenure changes in property ownership near user project areas to detect and enable opportunities for new ground acquisition.

GroundSleuth is driven by the mining industry market, and the use of cloud-based technology allows users to mark out areas of interest for smooth pick-up of tenure when made available. They can also plan with confidence and generate optimal results in a changing tenure environment.

A visual representation of these ground movements is shown on a map, which is automatically forwarded to users daily. The dynamic visual mapping approach in GroundSleuth’s System also allows users to keep control of ground surrounding their project areas that may require wider search parameters, learning from each other to continually generate better solutions of expansion in operating environments.

Reliable and safe, GroundSleuth maximises the value of tenement acquisitions without compromising operations and without navigating through government mapping systems. Users can evaluate the different acquisition scenarios and present the best options for development to reduce costs and maximise resource utilisation.

Whether users choose to use GroundSleuth as a single source, or combine with Global Tenement Security Software, they can rest easy knowing that Global Tenements provide software where data integrity is paramount.

The powerful combination of GroundSleuth and Global Tenement Security Software is proven to add significant value to projects, already being used by tenement managers managing 54 mining and exploration companies with projects in Western Australia.

Currently only available for Western Australia but will be developed to extend to other states in Australia and key, resource-rich jurisdictions worldwide.