
The front-to-back financial commodity trading system of Quor Eka. Trinity encompasses the trading lifecycle processes of corporations that are involved in the trading of metals commodities. Our technology is specialized in the support of standard financial contracts, including forwards, futures, options, and averages, as well as hedging and risk management. It also supports complex derivatives.

Key Capabilities


Trinity provides producers with a solution that enables them to sell at any price and manage hedges in a precise and effective manner to return these sales to the target base, such as the average of the month of production.

  • Monitor monthly volumes and committed sales in conjunction with active hedges.
  • Track slippage by reporting on the movement of P&L across tangible contracts and hedges.
  • Hedge and manage the optionality of physical contractual clauses
  • Reduce the cost of hedging by consolidating hedging requirements across multiple sites.


Leverage the power of real-time data to react at the same pace as the market. Quor Eka’s Trinity software provides immediate visibility of your mark-to-market, positions, and P&L metrics, as well as state-of-the-art analytics.

  • Report the impact of trade events or market data changes to the aggregate P&L in real time to substantiate business decisions.
  • Analyze P&L in detail, drilling down to the counterparty, portfolio, and trader levels to understand variances.
  • Control the initial and variable margin needs to prevent paying counterparties an extra amount.
  • To mitigate the risk of errors in charges, automate commissions and brokerage calculations from a variety of commodities, exchanges, and brokers.

Inventory & Logistics

Inventory management using Trinity facilitates the optimization of logistics operations through stringent control. Enhance cost reduction and optimize monitoring, reporting, documentation management, and logistical flow through a single, highly efficient, centrally controlled platform.

  • Keep track of every inventory item’s origin, moves, and present location to make sure it isn’t being sold somewhere else.
  • Trinity provides a single view to ensure that inventory is moved between suppliers, depots, silos, and consumers with the utmost efficiency and optimization.
  • Complete assistance with warrant management, including delivery management, invoicing, reservation, allocation, and rent payup.
  • Control and administration of both allocated and not allocated inventory, as well as the movement of goods between accounts or locations.

Risk Management

Trinity offers cutting-edge risk management and hedging solutions that are tailored to the requirements in modern financial markets. Standard financial contracts, such as forwards, futures, options, and averages, as well as complex derivative instruments, are all included in our advanced support solution.

  • Facilitate the efficient and seamless processing of trade transactions and mitigate delays by fostering greater collaboration among the front, mid, and back offices.
  • Analyze VaR simulations using three distinct models—historical, parametric, and Monte Carlo—to identify opportunities and identify financial risks.
  • Maintain a constant awareness of the ever-evolving market and consistently monitor all potential risks associated with a portfolio and its counterparties.
  • A thorough understanding of the risk exposures associated with physical and derivatives transactions enables you to make informed decisions.


From determining which transactions have the potential to affect P&L to tracking and disclosing portfolio risk. Trinity CTRM software makes sure your company is aware of market volatility and credit limit breaches while offering strong capabilities to support and substantiate hedging decisions.

  • Determine whether transactions have the potential to result in substantial shifts in P&L when market conditions fluctuate.
  • Businesses are empowered to calculate and report FX exposure in detail with an integrated solution.
  • Trinity provides improved contract market risk and portfolio management, along with credit limit breach reporting.
  • Trinity offers a framework for keeping an eye on limitations against exposures to credit market risk, including VaR, variation margin, and initial margin.


Enhance your financial position by utilizing Trinity’s exceptional accounting capabilities. An automated transmission to your GL system is supplemented by detailed reporting within the system, which ensures a comprehensive and precise set of accounting entries on a daily basis.

  • Our advanced support solutions will enhance your accounting functions by generating invoices and monitoring payments, open invoices, and unpaid balances.
  • Trinity eliminates the necessity for spreadsheets, thereby mitigating the risk of manual errors and the resulting financial setbacks.
  • Reduce manual tasks in pre- and post-trade operations while utilizing effective automation tools to achieve end-of-month reporting objectives.
  • Develop payment and settlement terms that are customized to the individual and reduce the risk of settlement exposure through cash flow reporting and analysis.


Trinity offers the most advanced tools necessary to effortlessly remain informed about all foreign exchange and cash flow reporting requirements. Count on Trinity to guarantee that your business operates efficiently without violating any protocols or limitations.

  • Hedge foreign exchange balances and forward obligations and automate internal hedges to return exposures to reporting currency.
  • Current cash flow forecasting to ensure that upcoming settlements are visible
  • Monitor securities and overnight and longer-term borrowing/lending.
  • Provide control over liquidity by streamlining the settlement process and establishing limits.

Key Benefits

  • Improve your commodities portfolio by obtaining a comprehensive high-level overview of tangible and hedge positions in various currencies.
  • Trinity understands warrants; it supervises and manages each transaction throughout its lifecycle through transparent end-to-end trading operations.
  • Enhance accounting efficiency by utilizing automated functions and treasury tools and ensuring that you do not overlook critical transactions through the use of automated communications.
  • Leverage the comprehensive support of regulatory reporting standards to achieve seamless compliance and risk mitigation.