
RPMGlobal’s Consultancy and Advisory division deliver continuous improvement solutions to miners that increase productivity and enhance cost structures.

RPMGlobal’s Consulting and Advisory expertise spans across all key commodities and mining regions to deliver bespoke and/or independent advice to governments, insurance brokers, major mining equity firms and mining organisations worldwide. Whole of business advice during a mine’s lifecycle—from exploration through to project feasibility, mine implementation and mine closure —is provided.

RPM training has long been recognised by the industry as an opportunity to learn from the thought leaders of the mining industry. RPMGlobal has decades of experience and history that is transferred into our industry-focused training courses.

There are currently more than ten Professional Development Courses and over 30 Software Training Courses offered by RPM, which can be ministered just about anywhere around the world.

Customised courses can be tailored to suit specific business needs and delivered at a convenient location and time.