The ChemEase safety shower is a uniquely designed, all-in-one: remote location safety shower system, with built-in eyewash station. This completely packaged system is easy to install, only requiring bolt down to a concrete slab and single-phase power hook-up.
The system has a plentiful water capacity of 1,850 L allowing 15 mins of continuous use. Water is treated through twin 5-micon cartridge filters and UV disinfection ensuring water quality is suitable for both shower and eyewash use.
Operation of the system is simple via a vertical pull rode for the safety shower and hand lever or foot pedal for the eyewash station. With any of these operations, a controlled, pressurised flow of tempered
water is immediately activated and the emergency green fluorescent light is switched on to alert other staff in the vicinity.
Manufactured under ISO14001 certification and designed to meet Australia’s extreme conditions, with Category D wind rating. The system is contained within a security cage enclosure or with optional snake/rodent proof cladding. The safety shower and built-in eyewash station components meet Australian Standard 4775-2007.
- Standalone design, no potable water supply required
- Wind rated design for Australian cyclonic conditions
- Shower and eyewash
- Meets AS for safety showers
- Headspace UV lamp in the storage tank to provide sterile conditions
- Automatic pressure pump to provide pressurised water to the shower/eyewash
- Twin 5-micron cartridge filters to provide filtered water
- Inline UV disinfection unit on the delivery pipework to shower/eyewash
- Electric water heater for hot water storage
- Tempering valve for providing ambient water to the shower/eyewash in accordance with AS4775-2007
- Remote monitoring via a 4G modem
- Green, fluorescent lighting over shower
- Vandal proof cage protects the controls and equipment
- Pre-packaged, factory tested, plug & play
- Only requires a single-phase power supply
- Fast installation, only requires bolt down and power hook-up