Spectro Releases Q5800 for Expeditionary Oil Analysis on the Move
By Spectro ScientificThe Q5800 from Spectro Scientific serves as a single portable solution to oil analysis, providing cost-effective, integrated lubrication analysis.
Oil analysis has traditionally been performed in laboratories equipped with instrumentation tailored specifically to report quantifiable data on both oil and machine condition. The goal of condition-based maintenance through oil analysis is to be able to extend the useful life of the oil, limit machine downtime, extend the life of the machine and avoid catastrophic failures.
This paper by Spectro describes how the Q5800 functions. As instrumentation size shrinks and becomes more portable, oil analysis devices are being put in the hands of the end user. It is proven that these new smaller devices do not sacrifice analytical performance. This brings the end user closer to the machine and its problems. The Q5800 takes this one step further and combines an array of portable-sized instrumentation into a single unique device users can carry. It combines all of the instrumentation necessary to answer critical oil analysis questions about lubricant condition and machine condition. The device operates entirely solvent free, enabling operation anywhere.
Download the free white paper from Spectro to see how the Q5800 could improve your business.