StrataConnect – Strata Solutions for Underground
By Strata Worldwide Safety Products
Incorporate Strata Wi-Fi into your existing fibre-optic network to achieve powerful underground 'hotspots'. Strata A-Node access points are installed in desired locations along fibre and establish up to 6,000ft (1,800m) of Wi-Fi coverage in each direction. To extend coverage, mines can utilise the Strata B-Node Wireless Backbone to establish wireless connectivity for distances up to 4,000ft (1,200m).
Strata Wi-Fi is compatible with any 802.11 device for voice calling, texting and high-speed data access, such as VoIP phones, smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
Strata Wi-Fi A-Nodes are interoperable with CommTrac C-Nodes, enabling completely wireless expanded coverage of tracking, monitoring and control capabilities into areas not requiring voice communications.