The ProFound Mining System
By proFound MiningAny mining or exploration project will, during the life of that project, collect a great deal of data relating to all aspects of the day-to-day operations of that project. This data is stored in a wide variety of locations and formats leading to data loss for any number of obvious reasons. ProFound Mining is addressing this problem by developing the ProFound Mining System software.
The ProFound system comprises Foundation, a centralised, integrated data warehouse with a simple user interface to make accessing the data very easy, and a toolset to make analysing, reporting and managing the data in the warehouse simple. Foundation is supported by a series of application specific Modules which maximise the benefits of the centralised and integrated warehouse. Finally, a development environment (API/SDK) allows any developer to build add-ons to the ProFound system and industry standard software systems to also access the centralised data warehouse.
To find out more, download this free white paper.