Dunns Earthmoving Case Study
By MEX Maintenance SoftwareEstablished in 2001, Dunns Earthmoving is a family owned and operated company that has grown to include 60 fly-in-fly-out employees. Dunns Earthmoving is a recognised leading provider in earthmoving and related services. The head office is located in Norwood South Australia and its operational office is based at Padulla, 80km south west of Moomba in the Cooper Basin, South Australia, and operates in four main sectors, namely earthworks, water supply, labour, and equipment.
Dunns Earthmoving use MEX to manage and maintain all of their assets, particularly their large fleet of vehicles. With such a large variety of vehicles requiring comprehensive service records and maintenance histories, it's imperative that a system like MEX is used to help them keep on track with maintenance activities.
MEX has helped improve processes for retaining information pertaining to assets and the expenses associated with those assets. Dunns Earthmoving plan to make full use of all of MEX's maintenance capabilities to help better maintain their vehicles and equipment.
To find out more, download this free case study.