Campbell Scientific CR1000 Measurement and Control Datalogger Brochure
By Campbell Scientific
The CR1000 module measures sensors, drives direct communications and telecommunications, reduces data, controls external devices, and stores data and programs in on-board, non-volatile storage. The electronics are RF shielded and glitch protected by the sealed, stainless steel canister. A battery-backed clock assures accurate timekeeping.
The module can simultaneously provide measurement and communication functions. The onboard, BASIC-like programming language supports data processing and analysis routines.
Wiring Panel
The CR1000WP is a black, anodized aluminium wiring panel that is compatible with all CR1000 modules. The wiring panel includes switchable 12v, redistributed analogue grounds (dispersed among
analogue channels rather than grouped), unpluggable terminal block for 12v connections, gas-tube spark gaps, and 12v supply on pin 8 to power our COM-series phone modems and other peripherals. The
control module easily disconnects from the wiring panel allowing field replacement without rewiring the sensors.
Download the brochure to read more about Campbell Scientific's CR1000 range.