Ore Sorting Automation for Copper Mining with Advanced XRF Technology: From Theory to Case Study
By IMA EngineeringOre sorting is one of the focus areas mining companies are now looking at in improving mining proficiency and becoming ever more sustainable in mining.
For almost a decade, IMA Engineering company has been developing sensor applications to better separate ore from the waste from early exploration to modern bulk ore sorting (or particle sorting). To move from theoretical studies to practical evaluation several new concepts have been successfully tested with sensor solutions.
In this article, we explain two unique approaches, which have been successfully adopted by mining companies. The one using fast on-line XRF sensor at primary crushed ore to detect amount of waste, which can be separated before the mill (Horizon 2020 ITERAMS project), and the other to estimate sorting potential already during exploration stage by analysing drill cores or drill cuttings accurately and frequently to get practical results for real sorting potential. In both customer cases also, economical calculations are explained.
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