
Aslean International Tires, located in Vasterbotten, Sweden and recognised for the highest standard of OTR tire reconstruction, has started production in October in close cooperation with Tap Rap.

Syed Mustafa Hussain, managing head of the new Aslean International Tires facility, commented: “Tap Rap produces only the finest tire reconstruction material in the world. Our staff are highly trained and follow Tap Rap standards. Tap Rap materials cannot be competed or challenged by any another company. The company produces only the best material with pure dedication and perfection.

“Tap Rap materials are being used successfully in giant mining tires all over the world, with each tire costing around $40,000. Our clients are more than happy with the running hours of the tires, which are reconstructed with Tap Rap material only,” he continued.

“Tap Rap is a highly valuable asset for the tire re-construction industry. The invention made by Giuseppe Ferrara is just price-less,” Hussain said. “Managing director Sergio Ferrara is doing a great job by providing the best services and tire reconstruction material in the world. He is a visionary gentleman and is successfully expanding the company and product range day by day.”

“We hope and wish Tap Rap all the very best. We are sure it will continue to prosper in the future. Tap Rap can always expect the best cooperation from Aslean International Tires.”