Proxa lost time injury

PROXA has now recorded two million man hours worked without lost time injury (LTI) in its entire operations across the southern hemisphere.

This is a remarkable achievement given that PROXA’s services include the construction, commissioning, operations and maintenance of water treatment facilities for and on behalf of clients in the mining, power, steel, petrochemical food and beverage sectors.

Construction and commissioning phases of new water treatment facilities has contributed 40% of these hours. Given the increased risk profile of these early stages of a project’s lifecycle, the two million LTI free man hours is especially noteworthy.

PROXA has been developing a SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality) management system in line with OHSAS 18001 standards, which aims to provide a safe working environment and safeguard the health and safety of the PROXA staff as well as our suppliers’, sub-contractors’ and client’s employees and surrounding communities.

PROXA CEO Elie Sakhat said: "We operate and maintain water treatment systems for over 100 industrial and mining sites throughout the southern hemisphere. A number of the plants built by other OEM’s are currently being operated and maintained by PROXA, allowing our clients to focus on their core competencies.

"Continuously improving our health and safety management systems is our number one priority. We are very proud of this achievement as every PROXA employee is contributing and striving towards setting the benchmark of health and safety in our industry. We owe that to our clients and employees."

PROXA remains future focused and has designed and constructed four zero liquid discharge plants over the last two years in the mining sector to ensure protection of the environment and water resources.