
Iluka operates a synthetic rutile plant in the south-west of Western Australia. Iluka has recently taken delivery of two 160mm Minemaster units from Hydrosmart. These units will be used to reduce calcification of operational pipelines which transport high pH liquor from the process plant to the settling ponds. The calcification of these pipelines requires high levels of preventative maintenance (high pressure cleaning of pipelines) to maintain operational process flows.

This is not Iluka’s first experience with the Hydrosmart technology.

In 2012, Iluka replaced the 1.5km 280mm HDPE Solution Storage Dam dewatering pipeline due to heavy calcification, reducing water flows. In an effort to stop this occurring in the new pipeline Iluka installed a 280mm Minemaster Unit. This unit has now been in operation for five years. Recently, the pipe line was inspected to determine the level of calcification that had occurred over the past five years. The inspection has shown that the pipeline was basically clean. Small sections of scale can be seen to build up on the walls of the pipe prior to detaching and being flushed through the system. This technology has significantly reduced maintenance costs on this pipeline since installation.