
Miner Elastomer Products is proud to announce that we have been re-certified to ISO 9001 and we are now certified to ISO 9001: 2015 based on the new American National Standards established. We are proud to receive this quality certificate and we live by our quality statement on a day-to-day basis.

Our quality statement is: “MEPC is an efficient, continually improving product of engineered and proprietary products that meet our customer’s requirements.”

We believe firmly in this statement and always strive to produce the best products on the market for our customers.

Miner Elastomer Products is also proud to be able to say that all of our parts are made right here in the US. With ever-evolving needs and changes to the various industries, one of our best assets is the ability to adapt our existing products while continuing to engineer innovative answers your company’s unique challenges. The opportunity to take on new projects and think outside the box for solutions is what we do best.