
VISTA Training recently presented a technical paper at the 2011 Haulage & Loading Conference in Phoenix, Arizona that summarized the results Suncor Energy has achieved with its new TruckLogic™ haul truck operator training curriculum at its mine near Fort MacMurray, Alberta, Canada.

TruckLogic is a comprehensive haul truck operator training curriculum that combines web-based training (e-learning), simulation and on-the-job training tools. These elements are integrated into a blended learning format, which helps trainees to retain more of what they’ve been presented than conventional training methods.

During a pilot program conducted in mid-2010, trainees in the Suncor pilot group had 50% fewer incidents compared to new hires in a control group, who were trained using the existing training methods. Productivity increased 3.5%, impressive for a large organization that is committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of its operations. The TruckLogic curriculum was subsequently expanded to all shifts at the mine, and is now used to train all new haul truck operators.

This new technical paper outlines how Suncor implemented this ambitious training program and the cultural changes is helped set in motion. It also explains how other mines can benefit from this innovative new approach.

This white paper can be found in the white papers section of the VISTA Training profile or in the white papers section listed under training and simulation.