
Lecture-style safety meetings are often unengaging, causing staff to ignore the content, and give safety training overall a dull reputation.

When safety training doesn’t work, the consequences can be great.

That’s why two of Meyvn’s cofounders wrote Safety Training That Transfers, published by Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly ASTD).

In Safety Training That Transfers, Meyvn’s cofounders Steven Cohen and Ellis Ritz offer more than 50 activities dedicated to different aspects of workplace safety. From a newspaper race to a safety scavenger hunt, these activities are so memorable that participants will be talking about them long after the formal training is finished.

The secret to effective safety training is engagement.

Training that uniquely engages participants goes beyond the morning meeting to help prevent workplace safety incidents.

Check out a sample chapter "Icebreakers" on the Meyvn website, and preorder a copy today.

ATD members can save $5, and preorders are expected to ship on 10 November, 2014.

Safety Webinar with Steven Cohen

Author and Meyvn cofounder, Steven Cohen, teamed up with ATD to host a webcast about effective safety training.

Do you know how to turn your everyday stapler into a powerful safety tool? Have you ever used the Operation game to teach electrical safety?

In this highly popular on-demand webcast, Safety Training That Transfers co-author Steven Cohen shows you how safety training can be fun while presenting some of his foolproof games and strategies!

For more information, please refer to Meyvn’s website.