APT have introduced an even easier entry level for artisanal miners wanting to begin production. The GoldMasta is a smart sluice that incorporates the latest technology to maximize recoveries whilst also producing a high-grade concentrate.
The matting is easy to clean making for a quick harvest cycle and two or more GoldMastas can be placed in series to obtain an even higher recovery. Construction is from a durable non-corroding material and with no power required operation can be commenced immediately the unit arrives onsite.
With a capacity of 1t an hour, the GoldMasta makes an ideal scavenger after APT’s renowned GoldKacha concentrator, resulting in a compact package with extremely high recovery, a truly winning combination for entrants to progress two.
If the full potential tonnage of the GoldKacha (2+ tph) is required, two GoldMastas can be used in parallel on the tails.
For more information, please contact APT.