
Maccaferri UK and Ireland technical manager Nicola Brusa is to be a guest speaker at an IGNS UK & Western Institute of Mining & Minerals.

IGNS UK & Western Institute of Mining & Minerals is to hold a lecture named ‘Mining structures and substructures using high-strength geosynthetics’.

A complete portfolio of geosynthetics engineered to stabilise, reinforce and drain mine access and haul roads are available for mining structures and solutions depending on the specific ground conditions encountered.

The extreme conditions and high loads of these facilities demand a deep understanding of geosynthetics to ensure performance, safety and environmental compliance.

High-strength geosynthetics products enable construction or provide access, over voids and soft ground while controlling differential settlement. Rather than simply stabilising soils, these high-strength, low-strain geosynthetics reinforce the foundations of the infrastructure.

The presentation will introduce some real applications and case histories for high-strength geogrids used as reinforcement for some of the tallest reinforced soil crusher and tip wall structures in the world. The presentation will also cover the use of high-strength reinforcement for earthworks design, conveyor support and other materials handling systems.


  • Date: Monday 5 November 2018
  • Location: Keele University, Stoke-on-Trent
  • Arrival / start time: 18:00 for 18:30
  • Refreshments: Yes and buffet supper after the lecture