
MinLog has adopted innovative technology and architecture to model, measure and interact with processes across the mining value chain.

Several years ago MinLog embarked on a new development roadmap aimed at reinforcing MineSuite as the only solution capable of integrating information from various business processes across a variety of disciplines into a single source of consolidated, verified and approved operational information spanning the mining value chain.

The result of this journey is the MineSuite InfoManager, with the MineSuite Application Server at its core.

A major challenge is the different control and process-level systems that generate source information, each built on an individual technical platform best suited to its function. Source data is often hard to consolidate due to factors such as naming conventions, data structures, data media and timing.

MinLog has adopted innovative technology and architecture to address this shortcoming, resulting in an ability to model, measure and interact with processes across the mining value chain. The new architecture caters for integration and consolidation, providing the ideal platform for optimisation across the mining value chain.

The global mining industry is rapidly catching up with other industries with respect to operational information demands. MineSuite is ideally suited to provide solutions. ‘The MinLog-Maptek partnership has recognised the changing industry trend.

We have identified several potential joint projects to exploit the unique benefits in combining our offerings’, said Karel Gilliland, managing director MinLog.

One example is a quality tracking system in coal mines. MineSuite’s ability to model, measure and track material flows through various processes from pit to port combines with Maptek capabilities in depicting multi-dimensional stockpiles and their attributes for accurate product reclamation and transportation.

Another joint exercise involves integrating MineSuite Production Management Module with Maptek™ Evolution Epoch. This will close the loop between short term planning and mine-to-plan execution, with real time monitoring in a Gantt view. Mines benefit by attaining greater control over the plan execution through continuous feedback regarding progress and critical exceptions.

MinLog believes that InfoManager will provide a stable platform for operationwide information requirements, including standard reporting, interactive dashboards, control charts and data analysis.

Consumers of information emanating from InfoManager, including reports, ERP and planning systems, will no longer be exposed to the effects of failed interfaces due to changes in mine technical systems.

At the same time, the process modelling capabilities of MineSuite will ensure consistent, accurate information in a dynamic mining environment.