
Hard Dollar (HD) provides worldwide project cost management for mining and exploration companies, providing increased budget accuracy and high visibility into project production and costs. HD’s mine project cost management software can provide detailed cost estimating, daily progress measurement, and live two-way integration of cost and schedule.

Project estimators and managers are offered the insight and detail needed to make timely decisions as changes occur, keeping projects on track and under budget.

Cost models for mine projects

Whether creating a feasibility study, cost estimate or a bid to construct a mine, HD’s estimating cost models for mine projects help mining owners, engineers and contractors increase the accuracy and visibility of their cost models.

HD minimizes the risk of overruns by capturing and recognizing every detail that contributes to the cost-estimate model, such as different shift arrangements, labor overtime, labor bonuses, escalation, drift cycle factors, and more. Detail-driven cost models help answer tough project questions and empower the project team to make better project planning and estimating decisions.

We can provide live integration with leading mine scheduling software, including a live two-way link between estimate and schedule.
Mining performance dashboards for owners and contractors include key mining performance indicators, detailed progress reports, and earned value.
Forecast future productivity with daily performance.

Mine project progress measurement software

Project management teams receive the right information and receive it fast. HD progress measurement software provides project personnel with feedback on how the project is doing on a daily basis. Project teams receive immediate insight into budget versus actual performance, including man hours, equipment hours, production, timing, cost and profit.

Reporting software for mine projects

Daily reports are available on multiple projects, single projects, or specific activities (phases, areas, etc.) revealing overall budget versus actual, budgeted-to-date versus actual-to-date, variances, and forecast at completion. HD progress tracking provides critical project information that significantly reduces risk, and reduces project costs.

Inefficiencies in production and potential cost overruns are quickly identified, with the ability to anticipate and correct production, minimizing and eliminating the impact on the overall project. Stay in control with detailed project information in real-time.

Live integration with leading mine scheduling software

Scope, cost and schedule are critical elements tied together with HD live integration into leading mine scheduling software (Primavera and MS Project), creating live relationships between the detailed cost model, workplan and schedule. Mining engineers and contractors now have increased visibility to answer tough ‘what if?’ questions to analyze the cost impact of scheduling changes in real-time. HD enables cost-accurate work planning and scheduling with confidence.