
On 1 July 2020, the Mining Regulations 1981 (WA) was amended to enable applications for exemptions from expenditure for COVID-19 related reason to be made for exploration licences and prospecting licences, where justified.

The usual timeframe for lodgement of supporting evidence (statutory declaration) for COVID-19 related exemption applications does not apply. Non-compliance with the new timeframe may result in the commencement of forfeiture proceedings by DMIRS.

The changes also amend the objection period for such exemptions from 35 to 14 days and allow the notice of application for exemption to be published online rather than posting of the notice at the Mining Registrar’s office.

“Both the existing arrangements and the temporary COVID-19 arrangements will operate in parallel from the date the temporary arrangements are brought into effect until 30 June 2021.” (Government of Western Australia, Department of mines industry regulation and safety, applying for an exemption from expenditure conditions, 2020, p3).

Please contact Global Tenements for more information.