
Job Commander is a sophisticated and affordable management tool designed for the engineering industry. The job costing system quotes, schedules and produces purchase orders whilst automatically collecting valuable business data such as machine time, labour costs and job profit.

The quoting software allows faster, more accurate quotes. Job Commander holds precise information about your cost structure and work capacity, meaning that the risk of misquoting is reduced.

Job Commander whilst enabling better business decisions with its estimating software also ensures efficient job scheduling. With precise information about staff and equipment, you can view job progress at any time. Capacity planning and timeline displays expose potential work centre bottlenecks.

The advanced but simple to use tools of the Job Commander job costing system assists in making informed decisions on how to organise and manage your work. Information may be gathered and located with ease, with the centralised management and storage of job specific electronic documentation. Store Jpegs, pdf files, Excel spreadsheets and email information.

Job Commander key features include:

  • Quoting with full history
  • Creating purchase orders
  • Tracking jobs
  • Tracking costs and profitability
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Event calendar
  • Forms management
  • Client invoicing and delivery dockets
  • Integrates with MYOB and Quick Books Xero