
The Victorian groundwater management system (GMS) is a database of groundwater related data (for example groundwater, geology or chemistry data) across Victoria that is delivered quarterly by DVD from the Department of Sustainability and Environment to registered subscribers.

The delivery of data from this system is often in a format that is time-consuming to extract, filter and output as useful tables, maps, graphs and other outputs.

A data transformation tool has been developed for ESdat, commissioned by the Mallee Catchment Management Authority, and is able to import data from the Victorian GMS into ESdat.

Users select the GMS database, indicate the latitude and longitude extents of their study area, and the ESdat database that the data will be sent to. Data can be imported in latitude / longitude or a suitable MGA zone. After the import, ESdat users can analyse the data using the GIS, timeseries, tabular, summary and other tools available in ESdat.

Mallee CMA has allowed EScIS to make this tool available for all ESdat users to use free of charge. Please contact EScIS to obtain the tool.