
Trans Tasman Energy Group is a consulting company that specialises in the energy industry. We provide professional services for energy procurement and management processes, amongst other services. Our primary focus is to minimise our client energy rates.

Active market analysis

We monitor the market daily and keep abreast of changes in the industry. We use this information when providing comparative analysis and direct reporting. We keep our clients informed, contacting them directly if applicable and by issuing a quarterly newsletter.

Energy procurement process

Our tried and tested energy procurement process is designed to accommodate any type and size of business. Our customers’ needs range from single site to multi-site contract and/or tariff. Using our process, we will assist in collating your site’s data for tender, monitor the market and issue tenders for pricing when the market is most favourable.

We review, evaluate the offers and issue a detailed report to substantiate our recommendations. It includes your options for metering and data management services. If your business has multiple sites, we will include billing options available to multi site customers.

At TTEG we monitor market prices; tracking prices on a daily basis and keeping a tab on changes in the industry.
TTEG offers the following services: tendering, consulting, public lighting, embedded network solutions, energy audits and green energy purchasing.
We provide professional services for energy procurement and management processes, amongst other services.
Our tried and tested energy procurement process is designed to accommodate any type and size of business.
Our customers' needs range from single site to multi-site contract and/or tariff.
Using our process, we will assist in collating your site's data for tender, monitor the market and issue tenders for pricing when the market is most favourable.
Our Group & Go product is a transparent process whereby customers' electricity requirements are aggregated to build a series of market attractive parcels, which are then put to tender.
In the supply arrangement review, we perform an extensive commercial consideration and assessment, which includes analysis of current metering,billing arrangements and supply charges to the sites.

Bulk energy tenders

Our Group & Go product is a transparent process whereby customers’ electricity requirements are aggregated to build a series of market attractive parcels, which are then put to tender. The establishment of these parcels obtains the most competitive contract electricity pricing for participants that far outweighs what an individual entity would be able to obtain.

Energy surveillance program

To enable value to be added to the partnership, Trans Tasman Energy Group has developed a four-module energy surveillance programme that uses a number of data and information streams to enable the effective management and reporting of energy consumptions and efficiencies.

The four modules have been structured around NMI management, meter data management, billing and accrual management, and reporting and benchmarking management.

Energy budget forecasts

Volatility of energy prices will have an impact on operational costs. The products of an accurate energy budget forecast can be very complicated as it requires a sound understanding of the energy and network components being charged and any regulatory and environmental costs.

Trans Tasman Energy Group can provide a site-specific assessment as required to assist in the preparation of an accurate energy budget forecast. With a rigorous forecast, decision makers will be well informed of future energy costs and will be able to gain better control over operational matters.

Supply arrangement reviews

Supply costs may represent up to 40% of the energy bill and they are typically not addressed by most retailers. Our company is extremely well versed in this specialised service and can undertake a network and tariff review for your sites and prepare a report to identify any savings and actions required.

In the supply arrangement review, we perform an extensive commercial consideration and assessment, which includes analysis of current metering, billing arrangements and supply charges to the sites; determines additional compliance costs i.e. metering arrangement, power factor and other network charges; and identifies areas for cost minimisation and profit improvements.

Trans Tasman Energy Group has performed supply arrangement reviews for numerous sites across Australia and has delivered significant and ongoing savings for our clients.

Carbon management

Australian requirements at both federal and state levels have become increasingly stringent in the area of energy and emissions reporting, eventually leading to pressure for the introduction of energy efficiency measures across all businesses. We have the applicable knowledge and experience to effectively provide assistance for environmental reporting that requires major compliance, such as:

  • Energy efficiency opportunities
  • National Australian built environment rating system
  • National greenhouse and energy reporting system
  • Green building council of Australia – Green Star Programme
  • Carbon foot printing and auditing
  • Liquid fuels management


Consistent with our core value of providing market-leading energy services to our clients, Trans Tasman Energy Group has continued to break ground in the services we deliver to our clients consulting.

These services are based on the specialised knowledge, skill and processes within our company – not only of the energy markets and their operation, but also our regulatory knowledge.

We have provided our consulting services to represent our clients’ best interests in a variety of applications, including submissions to regulators, handling disputes with retailers and/or distributors, unbundling (i.e. breaking into components) energy prices, determining fair charges for energy related services, embedded networks and determining fair connection charges.