
SRK Global has appointed Corporate Consultant Jeff Parshley as its new chairman. Jeff brings to the role 35 years of worldwide project experience, including 28 with SRK (US).

A geologist by profession, he specializes in mining-related environmental work, feasibility and due diligence studies, and mine closure and remediation. Jeff takes over from SRK Global’s chairman of six years, Dr Mike Armitage.

While Mike has found it rewarding to serve as chairman, he endorses regular rotation of the position to ensure that SRK’s ideas and approaches are constantly challenged and that the company continues evolving to meet industry requirements. In common with SRK’s previous two chairmen, he intends to remain with the company and is focusing on his technical work involving due diligence reviews, project valuations, and feasibility studies.

“I am extremely happy to see Jeff taking up the reins,” Mike said, “and am confident that he will continue to uphold the aims and philosophies that make SRK the consultancy of choice for our clients and an extremely rewarding company to work for.”

Jeff confirmed his commitment to maintaining SRK’s reputation for technical leadership and adding value to clients’ projects. These goals, he asserts, are more important than ever during the current challenging economic climate.

“Many of the services that SRK provides during periods of mining industry growth are even more in demand during downturns,” Jeff said.” We have increasingly been called upon to provide operational support for clients lacking the internal resources needed to fulfill their ongoing obligations. By augmenting their teams as needed, we help them to optimize their operations through increased efficiencies and maintain compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

We also advise clients who are considering taking advantage of favorable investment opportunities that exist during these market conditions, for example by delivering balanced, independent valuations and reviews for proposed acquisitions and sales.”

In line with SRK’s strong culture of collaboration, over the last three decades Jeff has built an extensive worldwide network within SRK and client organizations. One of his key priorities in his new role will be to continue encouraging close cooperation within the company.

“Our global pool of 1,400 employees enables us to field teams that combine world-leading specialists with the local and international experience needed to fulfill our clients’ unique project requirements,” he said. “Working with many amazing people in our business, truly remarkable engineers and scientists, has always been one of the most rewarding aspects of my job. I am honored by the support and encouragement expressed by the SRK Global board and employees in asking me to fill the role of chairman for the next few years.”