
Overseas Lease Group

The Overseas Lease Group is a vehicle, equipment and turnkey camp leasing business that specializes in providing customized lease solutions to multinational companies, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international governmental organizations (IGOs) operating in developing countries and emerging markets.

OLG provides customized leasing programs and solutions for mining vehicles, equipment, accommodation camps and turnkey mining projects for any type of asset.

Mining vehicle leasing programs

We can lease a large selection of standard or specialty vehicles, including:

Customer value and flexibility – customer selects type, make and model of vehicles; OLG will work with customer’s desired manufacturer.
Customized programs - an OLG 'master lease' program provides lease solutions for multiple pieces of equipment.
Diversity - all types of mining equipment or assets may be included in the lease structure.
Turnkey lease solutions - lease solutions for mining accommodation camps and turnkey mining projects including FF and E. Photo courtesy of Elite Ventures.
100% financing – transport, installation and set up costs may be included in the lease structure.
  • SUVs
  • Double cab pick-up trucks
  • Haulers
  • Dump trucks
  • Loaders
  • Dozers

Leasing solutions for mining equipment

OLG can provide custom leasing solutions for almost any type of mining equipment. This includes:

  • Drills
  • Draglines
  • Electric shovels
  • Hybrid shovels
  • Crushers
  • Wheel loaders
  • Feeder breakers
  • Conveyors
  • Dredging systems
  • Power supply units
  • Grinding mills

Modular buildings and camp accommodation leasing

OLG can develop a lease structure for all styles of camp, from basic shelter and water purification necessities to elaborate camps designed with complete facilities, to house hundreds to thousands of individuals.*

Turnkey lease solutions may include transport of materials, installation, and all FFE. These provisions would depend upon the project and supplier that the customer utilizes for the assignment.

Master lease program for turnkey projects

A ‘master lease’ supports turnkey projects and a faster continual procurement process. Vehicles / equipment / camps may be utilized under the same lease in different countries, and under different projects.

Vendor leasing program for mining equipment suppliers

Are you a supplier? OLG will customize a leasing program specifically to accommodate your company’s sales goals and strategies. OLG will provide training to your team, cooperative marketing and ongoing partner relations to ensure a complete, comprehensive program.

Benefits of leasing with OLG

100% financing – One of the most beneficial reasons for leasing is that a lease includes all costs to obtain equipment and therefore does not require a down payment or additional collateral. Transport, installation and set up costs may be included in the lease structure.

Unique geographical flexibility – The customer has the ability to relocate assets to alternate projects in different countries as needed during the term of the lease.

Customer value and flexibility – The customer decides on the make and model of equipment. OLG will utilize the customer’s contacts and sales quotations for lease structures when applicable and available. OLG can arrange financing and leasing solutions for any type of asset.

Flexible lease terms and structures

OLG offers a range of flexible lease terms, which are designed to suit a wide range of mining companies’ needs:

  • Operating / closed-end lease – asset is returned to lessor upon conclusion of lease. Lessor assumes risk of the assets lease end value
  • Finance / capital lease – a lease end value (residual value) of the asset is established at the lease inception. If the residual established is $1, then the Lessee owns the asset at the conclusion of the lease
  • Lease terms – Standard 12 months – 48 months (60 month – 72 month lease terms may also be available)

*OLG is not a modular building or camp supplier. We work with any supplier that a customer requests, or we have the ability to procure such suppliers with a reasonable amount of lead time for the project lease RFP.