
METS Ignited is proud to sponsor the IMARC, 4th International Mining and Resources Conference in Melbourne in 2017.

This year’s delegates will find us in the METS Ignited Delegates Lounge. As its name suggests, this is a space for delegates to use during the conference to host meetings or network with fellow participants.

Visitors will be also able to listen to presentations and interviews with industry leaders and experts in the lounge.

METS Ignited Chair Elizabeth Lewis-Gray will be presenting on fostering collaboration in the Plenary session on Wednesday, 1 November while CEO Ric Gros will discuss the impact of collaboration on the advancement of mining technology in the Technology – Innovation Theatre on Tuesday, 31 October.

IMARC Gala Dinner and METS Ignited Collaboration Award

The IMARC Gala Dinner is the premier industry event of the year.

METS Ignited is a key sponsor of the event, which will be held at Melbourne Town Hall on 1 November 2017.

The dinner is a highlight on the IMARC calendar for METS Ignited as we will be announcing the winner of this year’s METS Ignited Collaboration Award.

The Collaboration Award recognises true collaboration between METS, mining companies and researchers in the sector and is an opportunity to recognise partners who have worked with you to achieve mutual business success.

Applications close on Friday, 29 September 2017 and the winner will be announced at the Gala Dinner on 1 November 2017.