
Aspect Safety Group welcomes its new Group General Manager – John Beattie.

John comes with significant experience in high risk and regulated industries. His safety, environment and risk management expertise in construction, infrastructure, rail, mining and transportation has improved safety and environmental outcomes, netted many awards and returned impressive ROI for organisations.

John has a wide network and believes in participating to improve his profession. He is a Fellow of the Safety Governance Institute, Fellow (and Board Chair) of the New Zealand Safety Council, a Board member of INSHPO (International Safety & Health Professional Organisations) and a HASANZ Chartered Safety Professional.

Aspect Safety Group provides both safety and environmental advisory and compliance services in the mining, utilities, energy, resources and industrial sectors across Australia and South East Asia.

Our portfolio includes environmental impact assessments (EIAs), workplace health, safety and environmental (WHS&E) management systems, due diligence and compliance auditing services, and mine rehabilitation/closure plans.

We also perform security reviews, coordinate site rehabilitation, prepare environmental permits and risk assessments.