Emergency accommodation units supplied by Dorce resolved the sheltering problem after the Van earthquake which killed so many people and caused significant damage.

Emergency accommodation units have been a solution for the sheltering problem after the earthquake which killed so many people and caused huge damages in Van, Turkey.

Dorce Inc produced 3000 emergency accommodation shelters, 100 containers per day, in 45 days, in order to solve the sheltering problem of the earthquake victims. Dorce has proven its strategies against the crisis successfully through its vast production capacity.

The significant features of the emergency accommodation shelters produced by Dorce are fast production and easy to transport and assemble. With a hard steel design which has heat insulation and never sags, Dorce emergency accommodation shelters are resistant to fire and earthquake. After the transportation of the emergency accommodation shelters to disaster area, only one process remains, which is the installation of the electrical and mechanical infrastructures.

Disassembly of the temporary shelters is also as easy as assembly. Another feature of Dorce emergency accommodation shelters is that they can be stored in threes, one on the top of the other. After the fast disassembly of accommodation shelters, they can be reassembled if they are needed following another disaster.