
Miller Technology is pleased to announce the successful launch of its new battery electric low-profile grader for underground mining. Customer responses at the BAUMA trade show in Munich, Germany from October 24 to 30, 2022, were extremely positive for a battery electric vehicle that fills a market gap.

Miller’s E-Grader was built by fitting an HBM-Novas 110-M low-profile grader with Miller’s patented Powered by IONIC Drive system. Low-profile graders are used in underground mining where the height profile of the mine is not tall enough for conventional graders. Historically these graders have had diesel engines, which emit greenhouse gas emissions and degrades underground air quality.

Graders are even more essential when mines add battery electric vehicles (BEVs) to their utility vehicle fleets such as Miller’s BEV Land Cruisers and Relay, because BEVs regenerate their batteries on the descent into the mine. The smoother the grade of the descent, the stronger the regen per meter, and so the low-profile grader is an essential tool as mines expand their BEV fleets.

Miller Technology is a recognized OEM for electric vehicles and has a long history of designing and fabricating custom utility vehicles for transport in underground mining. For more information about Miller please contact us via the contact details on our profile.