
You may have heard references to the Australian Wind Code Standards being updated, and perhaps you are concerned about how this affects your past or future Fabric Structure purchases, and whether they are compliant.

Let’s cut to the chase, should you be concerned?

Short answer is:

The wind itself hasn’t changed. For as long as you are working with an ISO accredited supplier that genuinely engineers according to AS1170.2, you have nothing to be concerned about.

What is the new or updated Australian Wind Code?

Recently, the Australian Wind Code – informed by Australian Standards Structural Design Actions AS/NZS 1170.2 – Wind actions – underwent an update, which will officially come into effect in September or October along with NCC 2022.

The AS1170.2:2021 code addresses multiple elements including:

• Realignment of some boundaries including Region A0 – A5 and introduction of Region B1 and Region B2

• Redefining of wind actions on curved structures

You can read more on the Australian Standards website.

How does it affect you?

It depends. If you have existing Structures that are compliant to the existing ANZS1170.2 2011 standards, they remain compliant and provided they are well maintained well, will fulfil the life expectancy indicated.

Going forward, when the new standard is adopted by the NCC, there will be a 12-month transition period for buildings to be engineered under this new standard. However, this is where it becomes imperative that you have confidence in the supplier you are working with.

What is DomeShelter Australia doing about the changes?

At DomeShelter Australia, our Core Purpose is ‘to protect People and Assets from the harmful effects of the elements’ with durable Fabric Shelter Solutions. We have been fulfilling on this purpose for more than 25 years.

As an ISO9001 certified company, we have always been committed to live up to our promise – Engineered to Protect™. Stringent well-proven processes and qualified staff guarantee every Structure is designed and manufactured in line with the relevant Australian and International standards, including AS1170.2.

DomeShelter Australia’s experienced technical and engineering team have been working for many months with our consultants to gain full understanding of the updated standards. Our valued customers can continue to have full confidence that every DomeShelter™ Structure will be fully compliant and able to withstand even the harshest conditions.

Our team have begun engineering to the updated wind action standards and have already successfully completed many recent projects adopting the new standards. We understand the importance of remaining compliant to all standards including AS/NZS 1170.2 in order to ensure the safety of your people and assets. You can be confident when working with Australia’s oldest and most iconic Fabric Shelter brand, DomeShelter™, we will continue supplying the most durable, and most trusted Engineered Fabric Shelters in the market.

In the coming weeks, we will be launching a new geolocation tool as part of our free 3D Designer, which will allow clients to select their exact location and learn more about the wind code relevant to that area. This will allow more approximate estimations by our team and make the process of obtaining a fully Engineered, Fit-For-Purpose DomeShelter™ Structure even easier.

As a client once said, DomeShelter™ will remain As Tough as the Elements®! If you have any questions about the new standards and whether they will affect your structure, feel free to reach out to a DomeShelter™ Consultant.