
AUSROAD will soon release its third-generation control system for Stemming Trucks, featuring automated download of blast loading plans from DataBlast and BlastLogic into the truck control system.

This enables:

  • Safer operation on the bench through less in-cab input from the operator
  • Faster delivery and more accurate implementation of blast plans
  • Improved accuracy with fewer human errors in amounts of stemming delivered
  • Reduced potential errors in other areas, such as stemming an unloaded blast hole

The release follows close consultation with clients and the identification of a clear part of the Drill & Blast process that could be improved.

The trucks’ innovative design uses GPS data to locate the truck on the blast loading plan and to a specific blast hole. It then automatically transfers data from the loading plan into the trucks control system. The system will warn the operator if the system believes they are attempting to backfill an incorrect hole based on GPS location.

Toni Dunlop Managing director of Ausroad says ‘we all know an unsuccessful blast is costly, our technology ensures a high rate of successful blasting.’

“AUSROAD stemming trucks make it easy to prepare the blast the hole by delivering exactly the right amount of aggregate into the blast hole.

“Everyone in mining knew there are issues with measuring blast holes and that there is room for improvement with stemming methods.

“AUSROAD is engaging with the University of Queensland (via UniQuest) to develop innovative technology and methods to tackle these issues and give the mining companies we partner with a competitive advantage.”