
Justrite, a global leader in industrial safety products, announces the launch of QuietSite Noise Reduction Barriers, temporary sound barriers that absorb and reflect sounds to help reduce perceived noise levels on job sites.

Mark McElhinny, the President and CEO of the Justrite Safety Group, said QuietSite Noise Reduction Barriers help combat noise distraction for work crews and protects the public from noise pollution near job sites.

“Excessive noise not only damages hearing, but it also creates a distracting work environment that may lead to other safety issues,” said McElhinny.

“Our QuietSite Noise Reduction Barriers are designed to absorb and reflect noise, thus reducing the overall noise level on any worksite.”

The QuietSite Noise Reduction Barriers feature a unique acoustic core that absorbs noise and a vinyl outer layer that reflects noise.

The noise barrier features a foldable design for easy transportation and storage. Each basic panel is fitted with brass eyelets with grommets, while premium panels include hook and loop fasteners and magnets for a seamless, secure link between panels. The barriers are versatile; use them for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Noise barriers are a proven, effective method of combating noise and the QuietSite Noise Reduction Barriers can reduce common construction noises by up to half. They will keep work crews on task while keeping noise from disturbing the surrounding areas.

The QuietSite Noise Reduction Barriers are essential since many municipalities require a noise mitigation plan on worksite locations.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), noise pollution can have adverse effects on the lives of millions of people. Studies conducted by the EPA show that there are direct links between noise and health. Some problems related to noise pollution include stress-related illnesses, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity.

Businesses can take many steps to protect themselves from the harmful effects of noise pollution such as giving workers hearing protection while working. However, a noise barrier is a practical and effective method to reduce noise on a larger scale.

“Our noise barriers create a sound-minimizing enclosure between a job site and a pedestrian walkway,” says McElhinny, “The QuietSite Noise Reduction Barriers make it easy to comply with local ordinances to control noise to avoid costly fines or lost time due to project shut-downs.”