
From 17 to 20 October 2017, DEZEGA representatives took part in the 31st International Trade Fair on Safety, Security and Health at Work А+А 2017, which was held in Düsseldorf, Germany. The theme this year was ‘People Matter’.

The International Trade Fair A+A is one of the most significant events in the mining industry. Four busy days filled with innovations, concepts, and shows. Market leaders and start-ups put on spectacular presentations to those gathered in the nine exhibition halls. In total, there were 1,931 exhibitors from 63 nations and more than 67,000 visitors and specialists.

At the DEZEGA stand, in the 6th hall, the latest innovations and developments in respiratory protective equipment (RPE) were presented. Representatives showed off as DEZEGA’s proven products that have retained the status of reliable protection in rather difficult and extreme conditions.

The history of the Trade Fair A + A is more than 50 years old, and it has been held biannually in Düsseldorf since 1954. The 35th International Congress for Occupational Safety and Occupational Medicine is held in parallel with the Trade Fair A+A. The Congress is organized by Basi, the German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health. DEZEGA has been participating since 2011.

The next Fair Trade A + A will be held in Düsseldorf between 5 and 8 November 2019. It’s an event you do not want to miss. A+A is one of the foremost platforms for presenting the latest innovations, concepts and products in the mining industry.