
The international designer and manufacturer of personal respiratory protective equipment (RPE) DEZEGA continues to supply DEZEGA CheckUp devices for checking and testing the parameters of compressed oxygen breathing apparatuses, full-facemasks and other breathing equipment. Currently, the company accepts orders for the supply of these products for late-2021.

The device was launched to the market in 2019. The product has a certificate of conformity EU type-examination in Europe and Ukraine, as well as a certificate of type approval of measuring equipment in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. DEZEGA CheckUp is used in many countries of the world such as Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Turkey, India and Vietnam.

DEZEGA CheckUp has a lot of advantages over existing competitive products on the market:

  1. Digital interface – an automatic digital device that works in stand-alone mode.
  2. High functionality – widely used in respiratory workshops and laboratory tests of RPE. The device has already proven itself in the DEZEGA laboratory for several years.
  3. One solution for different equipment – you can check, test and set both DEZEGA breathing apparatuses and breathing apparatuses of other manufacturers, as well as a number of other products.
  4. Text prompts – the prompts menu greatly simplifies and speeds up the work with the device.
  5. A set of accessories – a set of adapters for various types of breathing apparatuses and other breathing equipment, by additional order, it may be supplied with a dummy-head for testing full-face masks.
  6. Test reports are available in electronic form – you can save the test results for later analysis on a PC.
  7. Design and ergonomics – compact product, easy to carry if necessary. Convenient device with an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

“The automatic operation of the DEZEGA CheckUp device eliminates the human factor and errors during the tests, and also eliminates the violation of the regular procedure for breathing apparatuses testing. In addition, the device allows reducing the technician’s work time during the test. Also, there is no necessity for mandatory service, as well as oxygen refuelling, as in the UKP-5 device or other competitive products, which significantly reduces the cost of breathing apparatuses maintenance and settings,” underlined Yuriy Spivak, Business Development Director, DEZEGA.