
The Reutech Mining family got together recently to celebrate the birth of the 100th MSR.

With messages of congratulations streaming in from across the globe, the attendees toasted this milestone with some of the finest wines from the surrounding Stellenbosch vineyards.

Among the visitors were some of the people who were pinnacle in developing the first MSR as well as esteemed members of Reunert, the parent company of Reutech Mining, including Chief Executive Officer Mr. Dave Rawlinson.

Mr. Dave Minney, formerly from Anglo Coal and also the first client of the MSR system, who also attended the 50th MSR celebration in 2011, emphasized the importance of dreaming in the day time and making these dreams happen. He also challenged the Reutech Mining team to keep dreaming and continue with this remarkable growth, noting that he will be more than happy to attend the celebration of the 200th MSR very soon.

"It was a pleasure and an honour to celebrate this remarkable achievement with our friends and family. The next celebration will be much sooner than expected" hinted Mr. Jan de Beer, Reutech Mining Executive.

MSR 100 has already been shipped to its final destination which will be revealed after completion of the installation and commissioning. The celebration was also aimed at the highly dedicated Reutech team whose perseverance and commitment to all MSR clients and Reutech contributes to the tremendous success of the MSR system. This was also echoed in the messages received from across the globe.