
Wind and Sun Protection has been deemed as an essential service here in Alberta, Canada. This means that current and new projects are still being installed even with the challenges we all face.

In order to mitigate these risks, President Rene van de Vendel had this to say: “We are taking the health risks posed to our staff, clients, and the general public very seriously. We have developed a safety protocol plan that has been broken down into several key areas to reduce health risk as much as possible.” The areas of concern that van de Vendel referred to are, sales, staff, and travel.


Wind and Sun Protection is now no longer allowing clients into their office but instead will limit all client interactions to email, phone or virtual meetings.


All staff are required to follow all health regulations set forth by both the provincial and federal government. This means adhering to social distancing, sterilization of common areas, and minimizing crew sizes as much as possible. Proper hygiene practices are required and PPE such as masks are encouraged to be used subject to availability.


With the Canadian border currently closed, Wind and Sun Protection is no longer travelling outside the country for any projects. However, planning and design for international projects are still available via virtual meetings. For projects that are ready to begin, Wind and Sun Protection is working closely with clients in order to prepare the job at their facility in order to increase efficiency once international travel bans are lifted.

Although Covid-19 presents a major health concern to us all, Wind and Sun Protection is committed to providing dust control solution to help protect the safety of mines, reduce the environmental impact of mines and reduce economic losses through stockpile drift, all while enforcing strict safety regulations.