GelTech Solutions Soil2O Dust Control and Soil Cap products are cost effective, budget-friendly, easy to use, and support all PM10 EPA particulate matter requirements.
Cost-effective dust control products
GelTech’s Soil2O Dust Control and Soil2O Soil Cap products are comprised of non-toxic cross-linked polymers. Both are environmentally safe, budget-friendly and non-corrosive solutions designed to save time, reduce labor and save money.
From preventing particulate matter from entering the air and water to stabilizing stockpile erosion, Soil2O products provide solutions to the most stubborn dust problems.
Soil2O products eliminate the need for extraneous equipment, such as fog canons, misters, guns and sprinkler systems that often require recalibration and repairs.
Non-corrosive dust control for mining and aggregate applications
Soil2O Dust Control polymers effectively penetrate the soil profile to trap and retain soil particles and absorb water molecules from the air, without leaving any odors or residues, and can be easily applied using conventional water trucks.
Soil2O Dust Control does not contain caustic or corrosive chemicals found in most dust control products, thereby extending the durability and lifespan of equipment and vehicles. A reduction in water usage delivers cost-savings in fuel and labor, as well as vehicle and equipment maintenance.
In addition, Soil2O Dust Control is effective for use at mining and aggregate facilities, as well as on coal ash, mineral, ore and limestone storage piles. Soil2O Dust Control applications can be driven on by heavy construction and track equipment. The Soil2O Eductor is recommended to mix products.
Budget-friendly dust control
Soil2O Dust Control products are budget-friendly. Based on the length of the dust control season and how much coverage is needed, dust control spending can easily be budgeted for the entire season without worrying about heavy rains washing away your dust control product or risking budget overruns.
Soil Cap for stabilizing stockpiles and PM10 compliance
While traditional methods simply cover the stockpile, Soil2O Soil Cap penetrates and bonds with soil aggregate to create a waterproof and durable shell.
The advanced polymer technology of Soil2O Soil Cap allows stabilization of stockpile erosion and dust caused by wind and rain for extended periods of time, while also saving time, labor and money.
- Soil2O Soil Cap is easy-to-apply, environmentally safe, and dries clear and odorless, leaving no residue.
- Supports PM10 compliance and meets the requirements for national pollution discharge elimination systems for erosion control and US EPA particulate matter reduction.
- Can be used for mining operations, construction, and development, runoff reduction, erosion control, soil waterproofing, and road building.