Cypher Environmental provides 100% environmentally friendly mine haul road dust control and soil stabilization products. Cypher’s products work not only on roads, but also provide dust suppression / erosion control and soil stabilization on stockpiles, tailing piles, slopes and embankments in a cost-effective and environmental manner in the mining environment.
Road dust suppressant / dust control products for mine haul roads
Dust Stop is a 100% environmentally friendly dust suppressant / dust control product that effectively eliminates unwanted fugitive dust from mine roads consisting of any soil type. While Dust Stop is 100% environmentally friendly and biodegradable, it is also available in powder form, which gives it an exceptionally long shelf life and significantly lowers shipping costs associated with competitive liquid products.
By using Dust Stop as a primary dust control product on haul roads, mining companies ensure a safer workplace for employees, less damage to mine vehicles due to the wear and tear caused by dust penetrating the moving parts of the vehicles, and the added benefit of knowing that your dust suppression techniques do not impact on the environment.
Road dust control products
In addition to the benefits already outlined, Dust Stop is a much more economical dust control solution than the use of water as a dust suppressant, which is a common practice in the mining industry today.
Dust Stop is applied using conventional equipment that is found at mine sites all over the world, so no additional capital investment is needed to apply the dust control product at your mine. Not only can you tackle road dust control issues with Dust Stop, but it also works equally as well as a dust suppression and erosion control product on stockpiles and tailings piles.
Environmentally friendly dust control products
EarthZyme is a non-toxic soil stabilizer used on clay-based soils that reduces road maintenance costs due to the increased and lasting compaction and strength values that result from the product’s application.
When applied to the correct soil type, EarthZyme significantly increases the density of the treated soil, which in turn provides a huge increase in CBR values and less damage to the road caused by the everyday use of heavy mining equipment.
The most attractive feature about using this environmentally friendly product on mine haul roads is that the heavy weights of the haul trucks maintains the high densities created after the application of EarthZyme, therefore the road maintains the high densities and CBR values, thus providing long-term stabilization.
Haul road stabilization
Unlike other haul road soil stabilizers, EarthZyme fully biodegrades after just 28 days but has lasting effects on the clay fraction of the soil, which can be credited for the product’s long-term stabilization results.
Another feature most customers love about the EarthZyme soil stabilizer is that it reduces the normal reliance on expensive gravels and aggregates, and allows for the use of clay-based soils without any reduction in CBR or strength.
Cost-effective soil stabilization
Similar to Dust Stop, EarthZyme is also applied using conventional techniques and road building / road maintenance equipment, which are found at any mine site, making the soil stabilizer’s application even more cost-effective.
Environmentally friendly waste water treatment products
UltraZyme products are a unique blend of environmentally friendly cultures specifically designed to remediate organic wastes and provide odour control in a variety of water and waste-water treatment related applications.
UltraZyme products come in three varieties, all of which are in super concentrated powder form and, work equally well in fresh and salt water are 100% environmentally friendly. UltraZyme Powder is used for general wastewater treatment, UltraZyme Hydrocarbon Powder is used to eliminate hydrocarbon contamination on land and in water and UltraZyme Aquaculture is designed specifically for algae removal.