
Extensive R&D has led to a breakthrough in design, function and ease of use for KoolKap® Down-Under bags.

Known for their quality, innovation and performance, PR Polymers are announcing their latest breakthough in Down-Under Bags – the new KoolKap® actuator with thumb-push activation technology.

Acting on feedback from the market regarding ease-of-use for Down-Under Bags, PR Polymers undertook extensive R&D into the development of a new actuator cap.

“We were told that many blast crews were struggling with operating other products in the market with gloved hands,” comments Mike Martin, CEO of PR Polymers.

“So we put the time and effort into redesigning our KoolKap® actuator to be easy to use, reliable and practical.

“We have improved an already good product, enhancing functionality and combining it with our patented zero HFC’s formulation. We are proud to launch this great new actuator.”

HFCs are powerful synthetic greenhouse gases, which directly affect overall carbon emissions.

Globally and in Australia, HFC’s are being targeted as an environmental concern that requires stricter regulation. In Australia, the recent Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Amendment Bill 2017, has introduced a phase-down on HFC imports. Going above-and-beyond the current environmental obligations applicable to all gas bags, PR Polymers has pre-empted the importance of reducing HFC’s, developing a best-in-class, zero HFC product.

“Ensuring our new product would continue to provide minimal impact to the environment, wildlife, and importantly, to blast crews using it on a regular basis, was a primary goal of our R&D,” explains Mike Martin.

The improved KoolKap® Down-Under Bags have received 100% positive customer feedback from initial use across ten mine sites. Developed to handle Australia’s harsh weather conditions, the KoolKap® Down-Under Bags are ideally suited for use all over the world, providing premium performance even at over 4,500m above sea level.

“The improved KoolKap® Down-Under Bags are available now and will deliver a revolution across the industry, with their unique combination of high-quality function, ease-of-use and minimised environmental impact,” says Mike Martin.