
We’ve all heard the arguments for not using a professional recruiter. They are the same reasons businesses don’t outsource many of the tasks done in-house.

We have an HR team already; recruitment is one of the things they do. External recruiters cost so much, so why on earth would I pay twice? They’ll just advertise the positions on job boards, and send us the best applicants, before submitting their large fee. We can do that ourselves; it’s not rocket science!

And then in the next breath, we hear those busy leaders say:

“Our staff are the most important thing we have, we’d be nothing without our people. But we just can’t understand why staff turnover is so high. And why do so many new recruits turn out to be so disappointing, they were great at the interview.”

Sound familiar?

Running a successful business takes time and effort. Leaders like to focus on the numbers, the size of the order book pipeline, the number of opportunities the salespeople are finding, the conversion rates to closed business, the after-sales issues and client problem-solving… the list goes on and on.

Similarly, in-house HR teams do so much more than just recruitment. They deal with staff issues, disputes, training and development, employment law, compliance and everything else people related.

Recruitment is just one part of a busy HR manager’s day. They are spinning lots of plates dealing with a whole host of issues, and it’s unfair to blame hardworking human resource managers for recruitment failures.

I’m a professional recruiter, and of course, I think smart businesses should use one of us to find the best people

… and here’s why:

A Trusted Expert

We spent all day, every day, solely working on recruitment, we don’t do anything else. Because of that, we’re absolute experts at what we do. We can identify real talent and spot an average industry hack a mile away. We help you locate, source and hire the best people.

Niche industry knowledge

We’re specialists in global mining recruitment, and we don’t work in any other industry sector. Consequently, our mining knowledge, level of expertise, industry connections and contact base is second to none. We help you network on a much larger scale.

There’s a lot of ‘grunt’ work in recruitment. Writing job adverts, creating job specs, reviewing applicants, paper sifting, researching and reading between the lines. We use smart technology to help us through all this and find the best people. Our job posts are produced in easy to watch videos, not boring written descriptions. We use video technology to screen, interview and shortlist candidates, and our clients then see all of this. We’ll provide you with a top 3 shortlist in around 2–3 weeks, shortening your time hire, and solving your resourcing frustrations.

Getting you properly prepared

It isn’t just candidates that have to prepare for an interview. The recruiter needs to prepare too, and in some cases, there’s almost more work required by the recruiter than the candidate. We’ll help you prepare for those final interview stages, and we’ll be part of that ‘final phase’ interview process if you’d like us to be. We’re with you all the way, and we become a valued part of your virtual team.

Getting you properly prepared

Salary negotiations really are at the business end of the deal. It’s in everyone’s interest to find the right package and one that is fair to everyone. Too high a salary and the employer is uncomfortable, too low and there’s a risk of losing the best people. We’re experts at reading the situation, right from the outset, and we strive for a win/win for all parties – that comes with experience.

Professional at all times

A professional approach to both employer and candidate is something we take extremely seriously. If we are engaged with a candidate about a specific role vacancy, we only ever focus on that one opportunity. Unlike others, we never put people forward for multiple vacancies at the same time.

To conclude …

We take a deep and personal interest in the companies and candidates we work with. Placing the right person in the right job, with the right company, at the right time in someone’s career is good for everyone. Business culture, ways of working, skills set, role responsibilities, and a high degree of intuition, set us apart from other recruiters.

We look for long term business relationships with our clients, where a value stack is created over a period of time. Being the trusted ‘go to’ experts for global mining talent is our entire mission.

If you’d like to have an initial discussion about recruitment practices, and how we could help your business find the skilled workforce needed, then please get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.