
These modules are built 95% complete, which saves on building times and costs by up to 50%.

The world’s growing hunger for raw materials has created a global commodities boom, in which foreign investors and mining interests have landed on Canada’s doorstep in the quest of a secure supply of base metals. This impressive increase in activity has brought with it a strong demand for quality worker accommodation.

Human capital is the key to any successful project. In this industry, salaries and benefits are no longer sufficient in attracting and keeping skilled workers. Quality accommodation has become the distinguishing factor in a successful HR programme. When living in a remote location, quality of life is directly proportional to the quality of the worker housing. It is the essence of keeping a work force happy and productive.

Providing workers with comfortable amenities at a reasonable price is no easy task, especially where the local labour force is limited and building materials are scarce. Building is frequently time consuming and always very expensive. Vertical Building Solutions (VBS), a Grande Prairie based company, has found the solution to this problem.

VBS, by providing prefabricated building modules manufactured to the standard ISO shipping size, has industrialised the building process, ensuring both quality and speed. These modules are built 95% complete, meaning that they are shipped complete with everything pre-installed, including such items as electrical connections, plumbing fixtures and lighting, as well as FF&E items like beds and LCD TVs.

This industrialised system is 50% faster than conventional construction systems and substantially less expensive.

The primary structural material in a module is COR-TEN steel, which has been developed to eliminate corrosion and to form a stable oxidised coating on the exposed metal, thereby protecting the structure against further corrosion. This makes VBS modules super-durable, non-combustible, and resistant to most natural disasters. Furthermore, they are highly energy efficient, using sustainable materials and state-of-the-art technology such as LED lighting and low-flow plumbing appliances, limiting the total environmental footprint.

By prefabricating all of the complex and detailed components, Vertical Building Solutions significantly reduce the need for onsite labour, which may be unavailable in remote areas. This modular system is also a great solution in locations where the construction season is restricted by harsh weather.