
During the 2012 SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit, to be held from February 19 to 22 in Seattle, Washington, US, four technical papers presented by Kemira researchers will address current issues in water-related mineral-processing operations.

‘Methods for Removing Arsenic from Process Water,’ described by Dr. Lucas R. Moore, will review existing methods for arsenic treatment as well as novel technologies targeted to produce lower volumes of more stable waste (embedded within ‘Industrial Minerals and Aggregates: Innovations in Process Technologies for Industrial Minerals’ – Monday, February 20, 2012, 2:05pm).

Dr. Thomas J. Lynch will introduce a patented line of ‘New Polymeric Dispersants for Industrial Minerals’ which are especially useful in the processing of ground calcium carbonate (embedded within ‘Industrial Minerals and Aggregates: Innovations in Process Technologies for Industrial Minerals’ – Monday, February 20, 2012, 3:25pm).

Also presented by Dr. Moore, ‘Removal of Heavy Elements from Aqueous Processes’, will detail a novel approach to reduction of selenium levels in mining effluent systems (embedded within ‘International Symposium on Water in Mineral Processing: Water Treatment and Biological Methods’ – Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 2:45pm).

Mika Martikainen will address ‘Removal of Phosphate from Minewater Effluents – How to Meet Future Regulations for Effluent Waters’ and demonstrate how companies can meet regulatory requirements in the future that will impact the discharge of water to the environment (embedded within ‘International Symposium on Water in Mineral Processing: Water and Tailings Management’ – Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 2:45pm).

In addition to this strong R&D contingent, Kemira’s visibility will be heightened by the presence of business representatives from product management, sales, and applications management.

Make your plans to stop by Kemira’s exhibition booth, number 2256, to meet these individuals, discuss the papers, obtain copies of literature, and learn more about Kemira’s solutions to today’s mineral-processing problems.

Kemira’s oil and mining segment offers a large selection of innovative chemical extraction and process solutions for the oil and mining industries, where water plays a central role. Utilizing our expertise, we enable our customers to improve efficiency and productivity.