
CiDRA Oilsands announced today that the largest known full-bore, non-contact flowmeter in the mineable oilsands industry was successfully installed by CiDRA. The 54" SONARtrac® system was installed on a recycle water line (RCW), where the meter will measure the flow of recycle water, which is the top layer (water) in the tailings ponds, as it is removed and transferred into a newly created pond, some of which is diverted for plant operation.

Since it began serving the oilsands industry in 2003, CiDRA has successfully launched a series of innovative products and services, based on and SONARtrac®, SANDtrac™ and SMARTring™ technologies, that have been tailored to meet the unique challenges of its customers involved in mineable oilsands operations. These solutions help enable customers to enhance recovery production and resource sustainability.